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Banned Words

Banned Words

The banned word list contains the words that are prohibited on the server, this list does not contian every word, but many that we want to avoid.

Variants of the banned words below are also prohibited!


negro, Nigeria + Niger (because it’s used to circumvent N word), nigger, nigga, beaner, chank, chink, coon, ching chong, jiggaboo, moon cricket, whigger, whigga, porch monkey, kkk, zhyd, kyke

Hate Speech / Offensive

faggot, hitler, kill yourself, retard, sped, tranny


blowjob, boob, clitoris, cock, cum, e-sex, foreskin, groom, hentai, ishowmeat, loli, masterbait, penis, porn, rape, semen, sex, tits, vagina, zoophile


@everyone and @here These are not allowed as they are often used in spam messages, and are useless for normal members to send as they do not work.